Please use an alternative provider or complain to Hotmail. Hotmail addresses include. The majority of users do not want to read about these subjects and people have left the forum as a result of it — this is after all an 'Airgun' Forum.
All AGF staff members are in favour of people being able to discuss what they want, but we have to draw the line somewhere if it is upsetting other users. The only exception is if it's airgun related - they must be put in the Airgun Related Politics section.. We will not tolerate bullying or personal attacks, racism or any other offensive 'isms'. We will not hesitate to ban offenders. Discussion in ' Vintage collectable airguns ' started by Deleted Member , May 3, Log in or Sign up. Thank you.
AGF Staff. A reminder of one of the Forum Rules : 'Behaviour Do not make inappropriate or offensive posts - including threats, harassment, swearing, prejudice, defamation, deliberate insults or name-calling, other negative remarks about this forum, its moderators and administrators or your fellow members. Dear members, Our membership like our country consists of people from all walks of life; different in far more ways than can be listed here and each with a different view based on their experience of life - regardless of their colour, religion or cultural heritage.
You should all receive a copy of this message by PM. To close this message box, click on the 'X' in the top-right-hand corner. If a manufacturer gets asked privately about a sale they should say to the prospective buyer please comment on my thread to adhere to forum rules.
To clear this text box, click on the 'X' in the top right-hand corner. Messages: 18, Likes Received: 27, Deleted Member , May 3, Messages: 20, Likes Received: 26, Location: Narfook.
Hope this may be some use? That hurts , May 3, Deleted Member , May 5, Messages: Likes Received: Location: wales. The great thing about these type of guns is that they fire a significant number of rounds before they need to be reloaded. These shots also expel from the gun at high speed, increasing the chances of multiple hits. However, they are not adequate for trophy hunting or for meat hunting. This is because the animal will tend to be too severely damaged by the large number of impacts.
Also, a large number of countries have banned these weapons. A silencer can be very useful when attempting to take down multiple animals while on a hunt. Every year rifle silencing technology improves. Modern attachments can seriously minimise the volume of rounds being fired. The only downside to this is that they tend to be very expensive.
Also, the older and cheaper silencers will not make much of a difference out in the wild, where sound can travel quickly, alerting other animals. For seriously big game it is essential to use a high calibre rifle. This will ensure a takedown. Powerful firearms should only be used on the appropriate types of animals.
Shooting a smaller creature with one has the potential to obliterate a trophy. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to content Search for:. Home Hunting Weapons Rifles. As the years have gone by, t. Hunting Swords.