Partition magic for windows 7 enterprise

Berbeda dengan program read-only, perangkat lunak manajemen partisi dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada drive disk Anda, terutama ketika mengubah ukuran dan memindahkan partisi, karena semua parameter disk terkait, drive dan file harus dimodifikasi dengan benar. Jika ada kesalahan perangkat lunak atau masalah perangkat keras terjadi sementara partisi ulang disk drive , mengembalikan komputer ke status awal dengan cepat dan otomatis, sehingga tidak ada yang akan berubah atau rusak.

Jika ada bencana yang disebabkan oleh perangkat lunak lain, biayanya lama untuk memulihkan bahkan jika Anda memiliki cadangan. Beberapa orang berpikir bahwa lebih baik jika perangkat lunak partisi memiliki lebih banyak fungsi, tetapi pada kenyataannya itu tidak selalu benar.

Banyak vendor mendesain lebih banyak fungsionalitas untuk harga yang lebih tinggi, tetapi beberapa tidak berguna atau jarang digunakan, lebih jauh lagi, beberapa fitur yang dirancang buruk dapat menyebabkan program macet, layar biru komputer mati atau kerusakan file. Jadi yang paling penting adalah memeriksa apakah perangkat lunak ini memiliki fitur yang Anda butuhkan, dan apakah mereka berfungsi dengan baik.

Tidak ada yang suka perangkat lunak yang berjalan lambat. Dibandingkan dengan jenis lain dari program komputer, perangkat lunak disk partisi memiliki beberapa kekhasan:. Membandingkan dengan professional Edition , Free Edition adalah sama kecuali kekurangan 1 Rollback Kedua dan pembuat media yang dapat di-boot. Isi: Norton PartitionMagic untuk Windows 7? Read on and get more details.

You can use the "Clone" feature to upgrade a hard disk, replace a failing one, backup the drive data and so on. By formatting a drive partition, you can alter the file system, fix some corruption issues, and sometimes remove viruses and malware. Besides all the listed benefits, there are so many functional yet practical features are waiting you to explore.

They are different in features. You can read the version information directly below. Professional edition: commercial version for desktop and laptop users and include all functions. According to the partition comparison, you can select the wanted edition according to their features and supported functions easily. Although PartitionMagic does a great job of letting you manage your PC's partitions, it does have few features and poorly supports popular Windows operating systems, like Windows 11,10, 8, 7.

It is trusted by more than 10 million customers. Roxanne is one of the main contributors to EaseUS and has created multiple posts on digital devices like PCs, Mobile phones, tablets, Mac, etc. She loves to share ideas with people of the same interest.

Daisy is the Senior editor of the writing team for EaseUS. She has been working in EaseUS for over ten years, starting from a technical writer to a team leader of the content group. As a professional author for over 10 years, she writes a lot to help people overcome their tech troubles.

To move the unallocated space and make it locating behind the system partition, we need to drag D: partition rightwards. Right click on D: partition and select "Move Partition" in the drop-down menu. After that, click "OK" to return the main interface. Right click on C: drive and select "Resize Partition" in the drop-down menu. To extend system partition, drag the right slider bar of C: partition rightwards to add the unallocated space.

To create a new partition, please right click on unallocated space and select "Create Partition" in the drop-down menu. In the pop-up window, we could specify the partition size, file system, drive letter, partition label and set as logical or primary partition. Also, we could specify the new partition size by dragging the slider bar.

Click "OK" to return the main interface.


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